AI vs. Human Touch

Published On: 7 September 2023| 495 words| Categories: Blogs|

Human touch is needed – but why?

What the future entails, is unsure. However, technology keeps improving rapidly and undoubtedly, AI will be a present solution that possibly will take over more and more work.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to let data or AI take over the technical aspects of an event. To illustrate: when you host an event and you organise microphones for the speaker – you do want a technician to be present to prepare the microphone and solve any problems that may occur during the event. If the microphone does not work, the speaker session basically cannot continue in front of a big audience.

The same applies to technical applications. If anything goes wrong with a certain tool or platform, you want an expert to solve this problem as quickly as possible, preferably without the audience noticing.

At Savvy Congress, we believe in the importance of the human touch. Our project coordinators are ready to assist our clients and listen to their specific wishes and needs. Our development team is on top of our entire system, checking and updating and ready to consider improvements. Our operators are on location to manage the platform, including live streaming, interaction possibilities, chat and Q&A.

Why AI doesn’t work everywhere

Surely, AI can bring a lot of convenience. It is quick, it can analyse large sets of data fast and essentially does not make human mistakes.

On the contrary, many discussions are going on about the downside of AI. Most forward: the use of AI in daily life, dramatically reduces employment as it takes over more and more jobs.

More importantly, AI lacks creativity and a certain human touch. The products it produces are based on data but lack human input. For instance, when writing a speaker bio, the AI product focuses on the main facts. While these might be true and useful, the bio can come over as too straightforward and emotionless, and therefore, too boring.

  • AI in the events industry

    Naturally, AI also provides solutions for the events industry. Simple processes can be taken over by ChatGTPs, and more importantly, they can provide inspiration and help with organising the event.

    Some examples:

    • Event suggestions
    • Creating schedules and timetables
    • Writing speaker bios and introductions
    • Creating event names and logos
    • Promotional event emails

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