More interaction on physical congresses
The presentation is almost over, that means that people can ask questions. There are many people with questions but nobody puts their hand up. A few look at the interruption microphone where questions can be asked. The microphone is all the way at the front, with a spotlight and camera pointed at it. They wait – who is going to ask the first question?
It has never been easy to be the first one to ask a question. In the past few years sitting behind a screen made that a little easier. You type a question and click send, without having all eyes on you.

The convenience of digital applications and functions has become more and more habitual. In order to keep up with the times, it is important that conferences don’t fall behind. Walking around with an old-fashioned conference folder is no longer of this time. Instead, more digital interaction is needed. Via their own device, participants have the opportunity to ask questions – whilst they check the programme. Attendees are provided with an overview of who else is present via the chat function and through this, can expand their network.